
Marcie Habell is an educational therapist in private practice in the Pasadena area. She provides relationship based, individualized intervention and support for children with learning disabilities, children who are gifted but not challenged in school, children who are twice exceptional (gifted with a learning difference), and those with co-morbid emotional disturbance, as well. She works with students in kindergarten through young adult age, providing remediation in the areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, and organization. Coaching is available for building executive function skills for teens, college students, and young adults. Ms. Habell also consults with families to assist with appropriate school placement and has worked with families to develop individualized, alternative education plans for students who wish to pursue a homeschool option. Ms. Habell has a bachelor's degree in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College and a master's degree in Special Education/Educational Therapy from California State University, Northridge. She has worked in education since 1996..

  • Association of Educational Therapists
    • Past Board Member
      • Past Applications Chair
      • Past Program Chair
  • California Association for the Gifted
  • Council for Exceptional Children
    • Division for Learning Disabilities
    • Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
    • The Association for the Gifted
  • International Mind Brain Education Society
  • Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders
  • International Dyslexia Association
  • Infant Development Association
  • Learning Disabilities Association
  • Profectum Foundation
  • SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted)
  • Zero to Three
  • Neurorelational Framework - http://www.the-nrf.com/framework.html
  • Sensory Processing and Social Cognition in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Gifted Individuals: Understanding the Unique Physiology and Psychology
  • S.P.I.R.E. ® - multisensory reading intervention program, based on Orton Gillingham approach
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing / Lindamood-Bell -- reading comprehension program
  • On Cloud Nine / Lindamood-Bell – math program
  • Touch Math – multi-modality math intervention program
  • Seeing My Time – Time Management and Executive Function
  • DC:0-3R – introductory training
  • DC:0-3R – intensive seminar
  • DIR – learning how to learn
  • Cogmed Working Memory Training
  • Coach Training Institute