
Educational Therapy

Educational Therapy Educational therapy provides one-to-one, individualized intervention to clients with learning and executive function challenges. Treatment is designed to remediate learning difficulties and develop strategies using a client’s strengths to compensate for those difficulties. Educational therapy is a process through which the educational therapist explains to clients, in clear and appropriate terms, the nature of their learning difficulties and helps the client to understand their own learning style and strengths. Through better understanding of their unique learning profile, the client learns to use areas of strength to compensate for areas of weakness as well as to develop areas of particular strength more fully. Educational therapists create and implement an individualized treatment plan, using information from various sources including school, home, and other professionals with whom the client is working. Consideration is given to the whole person, taking into account social, emotional, psychoeducational, and neuropsychological context.


Does your student forget to turn in homework? Procrastinate? Struggle with time management? It is likely that your student lacks fully developed executive function skills. Students who fit this profile benefit from working with a coach who can help them learn explicit strategies for managing the behaviors that emanate from a lack of executive functioning skills.

Coaching is available for managing academic work as well as building critical life skills for teen, college students, and young adults through executive function training. Teen coaching has a core focus on academics with an overall objective of global skill building. College students and young adults who are beginning to navigate the world independently for the first time develop life skills in time management, personal finance, and accountability to themselves and others.

Coaching is provided through the Skills for Success model. Skills for Success is a course designed to teach students executive function tools to support academic and life skills. While a formal group course is offered during the summer, the program is also available on an individual basis throughout the year.


Consulting Are you searching for a better educational match for your student? Is your student’s current school placement a poor match due to educational style, philosophy, or lack of understanding learning disabilities or other special needs? Or is your student simply completing the last grade level at his or her current school and you would like assistance regarding where to go next? Are you interested in exploring an individualized curriculum, tailored to your student’s unique profile?

For whatever reason you may be seeking, consulting services are available to assist in selecting your student’s next school placement.